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  • Nylon triangle tea bag packaging machine

    Nylon triangle tea bag packaging machine, nylon package triangle tea bag packing machine, triangle tea bag packaging machine automatically

    Keeping in good health tea of licorice tea. Licorice, itself is a kind of tonic Chinese herbal medicine, has qingrejiedu, expectorant cough, rou GUI, etc. Many people like to use licorice bubble water instead of tea drink, thought can be heat-clearing and detoxifying. But licorice is itself a medicine, take improper may cause poisoning. So be sure to consult your doctor before taking licorice tea, ordinary people do not take on its own.

    Ginseng tea health tea. Ginseng is a perennial herbaceous plant, for the traditional Chinese tonics. Effect of lukewarm, taste sweet, bitter. Fill with vigour, spleen lung, thirst quenching, sedative zengzhi effect. Ginseng tea is suitable for the elderly to drink, can regulate body functions, supplement qi and blood. For Yin fever people shall not take the fire, hands and feet. Women's menstrual period, people with high blood pressure or easy to have a headache also had better not take it. Best drink: a cup of ginseng tea can be a day, drink straight stopped three days, three days after can let the metabolism of accumulation of drug ingredients.

    Keeping in good health tea of chrysanthemum medlar tea. The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine thinks, chrysanthemum cool, there are scattered wind heat, liver effect. Can be used to treat headache, dizziness, sore eyes. Chinese wolfberry, say again bright eye, kidney, runfei, thirst, yiqi. Chrysanthemum tea and Chinese wolfberry collocation are together, have nourishing Yin blood, breeze clear heat, bright eye detoxification effect, suitable for sitting in front of a computer for a long time white-collar workers and students. Chrysanthemum cool, medlar contains plant hormones can affect endocrine, so the following categories of people it is best not to drink: stomach cold people, women and pregnant women in menstrual period, body deficiency diarrhea and under the age of 18. Best drink: five or six chrysanthemums, five or six Chinese wolfberry, use boiling water, 2-3 times a week.

    Keeping in good health tea rose tea. Roses itself has the effect of resolve depression, facilitating heat, soothe the beauty. People don't use the stomach cold, diarrhea in itself. Often felt tired and weak, are not suitable for drinking, easy to drink more and more tired. Best drink: with water brew ten or so dry rose, can match honey

    Nylon triangle tea bag packaging machine, nylon package triangle tea bag packing machine, automatic triangular tea bag packaging machine features:

    1.By ultrasonic cutting off, make out sex and beautiful shape tea production is possible.

    2.Packaging capacity up to 3600 bags per hour.

    3.A simple labeled packaging materials can produce tea bags with labels.

    4.Electronic scale metering can be easily in the transformation filler, measuring precision.

    The triangle tea bag packaging machine is suitable for: black tea, white tea, yellow tea, rattan tea, health tea, sweet tea, nourishing the liver tea, green tea, black tea, scented tea, coffee, Chinese tea, health tea, herbal tea, particle, etc in the stereoscopic triangle bag packaging.